I am Seema Jhaveri Shatawashyak Healer , I am from Delhi and married in Business family. My hobby is l like to visit new places and meet new people and always ready to help everyone l had Varicose veins problem and was suggested for surgery..!! But during Covid time I joined JJ sir classes which was very helpful to me I used to have swelling and pain in my legs which is no more there l have reduced my Pre Diabetic medicine and my sugar value is coming normal .

Now My wrong beliefs that we get energy from food is no more there I have stopped food supplements still my vitamin D is in normal range l was very fond of sweets but now l don’t have any cravings for sweets My Food is also reduced to 50% My energy level has increased I get up early at 4.30 in morning and amm active throughout the day l have reduced Weight also and l am more in intuitive eating and choose healthy food at home abd ver i go. My sleep pattern has also improved and now l sleep on time l stay in joint family and my relations with everyone has improved I stay very happy ant positive throughout the day

Thank you JJ sir Shatawashyak Principles have really helped me l try to stay in sunlight for sometime daily With my experience I am ready to help others also.

Seema Jhaveri