I would like to thank Dr. Jinendra Jain ji for designing such a wonderful Shatawashyak Arogyashala – The 6 essentials for Health and Happiness Program

Few main benefits I got from this program are:

Energy level got boosted dramatically. Now I have same energy level from morning till night. My sleep requirement has also gone down. Now fully energetic and fresh in 6 hours of sleep only.


Getting up early was the biggest challenge I was struggling since long which was achieved blissfully.

My relationship with family has improved. I learnt to be calm and still active. I am playing every day at least 2 hours with my kids.

Food cravings have reduced drastically and now feel fully satisfied with whatever I eat.

Productivity has gone up with improved focus and better concentration level. My worrying and overthinking habits have almost disappeared.

Enjoying the new routine blissfully and day now a days is power-packed and very productive.

Prashant Bangalore Youtuber and blogger profession: IT job